Monday, March 14, 2011

Healthy Eating Ideas

My friend Becky, who has just beat cancer, gave me lots of healthy eating ideas. She makes fruit smoothies and them puts veggies in them. Her blog is over on the right "This is our life! The Readys"
Yesterday I made one for the babies with fruit and veggies that were on sale.
Cantalope--Bananas--Frozen Spinach (cheaper than fresh)--avacodo--grape juice.
The babies loved it!! Oh I know you are thinking "that is not enough fat and calories for a growing baby" Well for supper we had Maccaroni with lots of butter and cheese from the Amish and them I mixed in some farm fresh eggs with half and half. There ya go. Good Food for cheap.

You know I am a hater on processed food so the real butter, eggs, and half and half may be super fattening but it is not processed with horrible chemicals.