Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Ultimate Cute Christmas

How cute is this??? My punkins look so cute on their first christmas. They loved all their toys. Jackson wanted to eat everything!!

The big guy himself

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bingman Christmas

The Bingman Christmas is lots of fun. There is a dollar gift exchange with a theme (this year, anything that you can put in your mouth), snow ball fight with wadded up paper, good food, and catching up with aunts, uncles and cousins. The top pic is of the redneck cousins Jackie, Clint, Sydney and Ethen. They came up from Louisianna swamp bottoms. No not really. Those teeth were their prize in the gift exchange--lucky them!! The bottome pic is Grandma Bea and Jim with the babies---I LOOOOVE Grandma Bea!! She has a herbal remedy for everything!! She told Jim when he was in the hospital in '08 that he should have put potatoes on that elbow to draw out the infection and he wouldn't had to spend all that time in the hospital. She is a Hoooot!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The morning of the Bingman Christmas

The morning of the Bingman Christmas. Jackson had me up at 4 and I fed him and Tami. I went back to sleep and Jim got me up at 10:30. I run around trying to find my good girdle, Jim is getting the babies dressed, He is telling Renae to get ready. I find a girdle, not my good one, then I get dressed, with no time to wash my hair, so find some fake hair, no good because I just colored my hair and not an exact match until some of this brassyness is out. I find an outfit for Jackson and then I find my good girdle and put it on. I hear Jim tell Cole "you better put the lid on that toothpaste or I will put it where the sun doesn't shine" I go to look for my black shoes can't find them. I get Grandma Bea's gift and wrap it. Jim is getting the diaper bag ready and tells me it better hurry because I have to make those pies. I look for my black shoes again, only found one. Jim tells Na and Cole to keep getting ready. I finally found my other black shoe. I make the pies and get the other snack I made last night. I put my make up on and then finally we are all ready to go!! Whewww we load up the car to go and get down the road and I think I had splattered make up in my eye.

What an AWESOME morning!! I love it!! I think all the chaos drives Jim nuts (cause he has to be the grown up). We are so lucky the be busy with our kids and in a hurry to meet our extended family. Some people who don't have family would give anything for this stressful life. I am so thankful.

The night before the Bingman Christmas

Last night Jim and Renae were wrapping presents for Chistmas. Ya know how kids are like "No, I can do it" "I don't need any help" well Jim showed Renae some "Old Indian tricks" as he called it to show her how to wrap presents. So they got the gifts wrapped just like the Indians did when they celebrated Christmas ***wink**wink**

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hangin out

Jackson and Tami just hangin out playing on the floor. It is so sweet when they hold hands. I bet he is thinking "I wonder what sissy's hand tastes like" They are putting everything in their mouth.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Look What Santa Left in my Stocking

What more could I ask for Christmas??? Nothing. I am so lucky the have these sweet punkins this year. Don't need to ask for anything else from Santa.---well except my life would be officially perfect if I had a new little puppy dog ;o)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Babies getting ready for their first christmas

The babies love looking at the Christmas tree. I know that now they don't even know what christmas is, but it is fun to shop for them.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Comfort and Joy

Isn't it nice that babies can just comfort themselves sometimes? Wouldn't it be cool if we could just put our thumb in our mouth and instantly be calm and soothed. Think that would be silly??? Well I guess it is more age appropriate for adults to find comfort in food and alcohol. OK tryed the thumb thing--didn't work, now I am going to get chocolate-bye bye

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We will miss our sweet Nancy

My dear Nancy passed yesterday. She was like a grandmother to me. She knew me before I was even born. I guess if I could only describe her in two words it would be "always there" She was always there when I needed someone to talk to, needed advice, or just to chat with (except I couldn't talk about my love for pres Obama with her). She was there for me in tragic times, when my dad passed away and when my sister passed away. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor the day my babies were born. I was discussing treatment options for her and she said Connie, I am 74 it is not like I am young like your sister was. I just wish my babies got a chance to know the wonderful woman that we all loved.

Friday, November 27, 2009

My little jumping beans!!!

Tami and Jackson Love Thier Jumpers. They just have so much fun!! Wouldn't it be cool if they made them for grown ups!!! That would be awesome. I also thought they would be good for old people in nursing homes. Old people need to have fun too. Would be good to keep their legs active and it would be safe--No, I don't know were I come up with this stuff.

Thanksgiving is the official day to be Thankful. I try to give thanks every day for my beautiful children, family, friends, friends, and good health. With that said. There are little things to be thankful for:
Indoor Plumming
Squeezable Ketchup--that took a while to be invented!!??
Diet soda
good hair conditioner
deordorant--what a stinky world it would be without it!!
Ziploc bags---My friend Cheryl would say --Press and Seal
The Wheel
My contacts--it is nice to be able to see
Now that I have 2 stepchildren and 2 babies---birth control

Sunday, November 22, 2009

We could learn alot from babies

Pics 30 years apart. Nothing has changed, it is still fun to dress up a baby!!! Of course the top pic is Tami and the bottom pic is my little sis Jennifer in my aunt Emogene's wig. Babies don't care what they look like!! That is what is fun and easy about babies. They don't care if they are wearing American Eagle or any other fancy name brand. They don't care what car they are riding in or having the latest electronic widget. Actually now that I think about it, babies have it all figured out---It doesn't matter what you look like or what fancy toys you have as long as you have your basic needs met and love!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy Babies

The babies are loving all of their toys. They just go to town with them. Speaking of going to town, I now have to hide my car keys because I think that boy is ready to drive. He just thinks he is a big boy. Well then, he needs to start sleeping through the night or making his own bottle at 3 am.

Peas On Earth

Jackson is now eating peas. He is such a big boy!! The babies are so different. Tami is not quite ready for food yet. However it seems that when she is ready to do something, she just does it all the way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Bites

The pics did not capture their reaction. They did not know what to think about cereal. You would think that they would dig something besides that nasty formula. Of course the tecture was weird for them. Jackson is doing better with it, Tami still doesn't know what to think about it. They should get used to eating so they can have some of grandma Bingman's good Sunday dinner.

Monday, November 9, 2009

50 years ago was born a poor white child in Sardis Mississippi

Today would have been Tami's 50th birthday. She had to write a biography in college and it started "I was born a poor white child in Sardis Mississippi". That is sorta a quote from the movie "The Jerk" in which Steve Martin says he was born a poor black child. She had over come alot in her life and went on to be a loving wife and mother. The love of her life was of course Kit--who she thought looked like Rob Lowe--Sorry Kit--still don't see it. Her life was her kids Brennan and Jade. Her only fear of dieing was leaving them. Even though she is gone from this physical world, it seems she has split into two people. Jade has her good looks and personality and Brennan has her artistic ability and creativity. One of the things I miss most about her is her laugh--It was awesome, I can still hear her. That is also one of the things I love most about my daughter--Tami.
I had though about her 50th birthday for years, thinking I would buy her a 50th anniversary Barbie--Barbie is also 50 this year. Instead I bought this cross for the cemetery. Tami loved leaves and loved Jesus, seems like a fitting decoration. This year she is having birthday cake (or birthday cherry delight) with Jesus.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Bushel of Babies

How cute is this!! Sometimes I can't even stand how cute they are. I just look at them and think that every bit of cuteness that has ever exist or ever will exist has manifested in these two babies. What is so hard to believe is that all this sweetness will turn to evil in about 14 years. I just want to keep them little and cute----sleeping more--but still little.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Songs for My Sister

This playlist is for my sister Tami. The song "one more day" reminds me of her, my dad and my grandpa. Listen to the song and remember someone that you love that has passed on. The other songs are the music that she liked.

Happy 40th Anniversary--Mom and Dad Bingman

Saturday we had a fun party with friends and family to celebrate the 40th anniversary of mom and dad Bingman. Good food followed by awesome cake made by Aunt Susie. Holy cow, she should be famous for making the best cake-yum. I am so glad that mom and dad B hooked up all those years ago. They are truly wonderful people and treat me just like I am their daughter. I am sure that is why my handsome Jimmy Jimmy turned out so nice, being raised by such nice folks.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finally Relaxing

My poor Jim. It has been a stressful year for him. Me being pregnant and sick, he took good care of me and kept up the house and yard. Then after having the babies no sleep for us and lots of stress. Then time for his annual survey at work--man, that is super stressful. The babies are asleep, survey is over, and Connie is on medication, he can finally relax. He is truly a wonderful father and husband. He lives with me for God sakes......he is a saint. Love you Jim

Mommy put down the camera and make us a bottle already!!!

My poor starving babies!! I was waiting for the bottles to heat up,, looked over and Jim was carrying both babies who were ready to eat!! Tami was trying to suck on Jackson's elbow, but he kept moving so she suck her sleeve. I could hear her slurping. Luckily after I took the pics, the bottles were warm and ready to go.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Geniuses

Oh, I used to make fun of mothers that would go on and on about their kids doing the littlest thing. I would think "Oh my God!! lady, get over it!! Your kid ain't so special. Kids everywhere are doing the same as your kid." However, my little Tami and Jackson are Geniuses!! We were playing one day and they each grabbed the rattle and started rattling it!! What are the odds of both of my babies being the cutest in the world and the smartest!!

Got places to go and people to see

While I was at the covered bridge festival, Jim bundled up the babies and took them for a walk. Poor babies, I thought it was to cold, but it looks like daddy had them bundled up pretty good.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Covered Bridge Festival

What a great day!!! I got to hang with my home girls all day. They are truly awesome ladies. We have so much fun together!!! We could be stranded on a desert island together for 10 years and still be having fun. Cheryl would be making baskets out of palm leaves, Becky would making peanut M&Ms out of cocao and nuts, Amy would be looking for the booth that sold the fried Snickers (she loved that yesterday!)
I didn't know there would be a lactation station at the covered bridge festival!!! I used Cheryls van as my lactation station. That is cool that they had them there.
The only thing bad about yesterday was the bathrooms!! OMG they were soooooo gross, that I wouldn't even sit down (it is hard to squat over the toilet when you are this short). I didn't take any chances and put toilet paper on the seat, like my momma used to do for me as a kid. OK and now are you ready???? There was a tip jar for the toilets!!! can you believe that???
It was soooooo nice to get away for the day, but I missed my babies and was sooo glad the see them when I got home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vist from the Wild Widow Wiggins

We went to the big town of Noble Sunday to visit with my grandma from MS, cousins from TX, and northern Il. Had a nice dinner at cousin June and Daryl's. My grandma is a super fun lady and still foxy, I am sure that is why Jim is looking at her instead of me in that top pic. She was happy to see her great grand babies. My mom is very jealous.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Book for the Punkins

This book was sent to the babies from Mrs. Esworthy--she was my 1st grade teacher. How sweet is that for her to send books to my punkins after all these years. I can remember like it was yesterday. (actually it has been 29 yrs ago) We would be lined up to go out into the hall. She would turn around and say, "Now boys and girls (she would push her glasses up) we need to keep our hands to ourselves and be quiet going down the hall"
Tami LOVES this book. It has bright colors and big pictures. She just looks and looks at it like it is the most facinating thing she has ever seen. Jackson likes it too

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jenn Jenn

Tomorrow is my little sister Jennifer's birthday. As you can see, she is the pretty one in the family. We fought alot as kids, mostly because she started it! LOL. Now we are awesome buddies. She is truly a sweet person and is now a great mom. Jennifer is super mom. She works hard, takes care of her house, husband, and baby. She is so considerate of others and goes out of her way to do nice things for people in good times and bad. Happy Birthdy to my friend and my sister--Love you

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cozy Babies

We woke up this morning and it was cool. We snuggled in bed for a bit, then put their hats on them. Wouldn't have done any good to turn on the heat, because the power company shut it off to replace the pole. It is good that the swings are battery opperated.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Smelly Girl

My stepdaughter Renae loves to smell things, I mean all things, good and bad. Years ago I used to give her and Cole stupid things, for example I would put a raw potato in Cole's backpack with "My step mom loves me" written on it. Well, today Renae was getting out her old books and reading to the babies. Pressed inside was a green tea bag that I had given her years ago. She had loved the smell so much that she put it in her book for safe keeping. Guess I know what to give her for Christmas.