Today would have been Tami's 50th birthday. She had to write a biography in college and it started "I was born a poor white child in Sardis Mississippi". That is sorta a quote from the movie "The Jerk" in which Steve Martin says he was born a poor black child. She had over come alot in her life and went on to be a loving wife and mother. The love of her life was of course Kit--who she thought looked like Rob Lowe--Sorry Kit--still don't see it. Her life was her kids Brennan and Jade. Her only fear of dieing was leaving them. Even though she is gone from this physical world, it seems she has split into two people. Jade has her good looks and personality and Brennan has her artistic ability and creativity. One of the things I miss most about her is her laugh--It was awesome, I can still hear her. That is also one of the things I love most about my daughter--Tami.
I had though about her 50th birthday for years, thinking I would buy her a 50th anniversary Barbie--Barbie is also 50 this year. Instead I bought this cross for the cemetery. Tami loved leaves and loved Jesus, seems like a fitting decoration. This year she is having birthday cake (or birthday cherry delight) with Jesus.
I know your sister meant so much to you. Know that she is resting in the Peace of God's love now and suffers no more. She's one of His angels now.