Friday, November 27, 2009

My little jumping beans!!!

Tami and Jackson Love Thier Jumpers. They just have so much fun!! Wouldn't it be cool if they made them for grown ups!!! That would be awesome. I also thought they would be good for old people in nursing homes. Old people need to have fun too. Would be good to keep their legs active and it would be safe--No, I don't know were I come up with this stuff.

Thanksgiving is the official day to be Thankful. I try to give thanks every day for my beautiful children, family, friends, friends, and good health. With that said. There are little things to be thankful for:
Indoor Plumming
Squeezable Ketchup--that took a while to be invented!!??
Diet soda
good hair conditioner
deordorant--what a stinky world it would be without it!!
Ziploc bags---My friend Cheryl would say --Press and Seal
The Wheel
My contacts--it is nice to be able to see
Now that I have 2 stepchildren and 2 babies---birth control

Sunday, November 22, 2009

We could learn alot from babies

Pics 30 years apart. Nothing has changed, it is still fun to dress up a baby!!! Of course the top pic is Tami and the bottom pic is my little sis Jennifer in my aunt Emogene's wig. Babies don't care what they look like!! That is what is fun and easy about babies. They don't care if they are wearing American Eagle or any other fancy name brand. They don't care what car they are riding in or having the latest electronic widget. Actually now that I think about it, babies have it all figured out---It doesn't matter what you look like or what fancy toys you have as long as you have your basic needs met and love!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy Babies

The babies are loving all of their toys. They just go to town with them. Speaking of going to town, I now have to hide my car keys because I think that boy is ready to drive. He just thinks he is a big boy. Well then, he needs to start sleeping through the night or making his own bottle at 3 am.

Peas On Earth

Jackson is now eating peas. He is such a big boy!! The babies are so different. Tami is not quite ready for food yet. However it seems that when she is ready to do something, she just does it all the way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Bites

The pics did not capture their reaction. They did not know what to think about cereal. You would think that they would dig something besides that nasty formula. Of course the tecture was weird for them. Jackson is doing better with it, Tami still doesn't know what to think about it. They should get used to eating so they can have some of grandma Bingman's good Sunday dinner.

Monday, November 9, 2009

50 years ago was born a poor white child in Sardis Mississippi

Today would have been Tami's 50th birthday. She had to write a biography in college and it started "I was born a poor white child in Sardis Mississippi". That is sorta a quote from the movie "The Jerk" in which Steve Martin says he was born a poor black child. She had over come alot in her life and went on to be a loving wife and mother. The love of her life was of course Kit--who she thought looked like Rob Lowe--Sorry Kit--still don't see it. Her life was her kids Brennan and Jade. Her only fear of dieing was leaving them. Even though she is gone from this physical world, it seems she has split into two people. Jade has her good looks and personality and Brennan has her artistic ability and creativity. One of the things I miss most about her is her laugh--It was awesome, I can still hear her. That is also one of the things I love most about my daughter--Tami.
I had though about her 50th birthday for years, thinking I would buy her a 50th anniversary Barbie--Barbie is also 50 this year. Instead I bought this cross for the cemetery. Tami loved leaves and loved Jesus, seems like a fitting decoration. This year she is having birthday cake (or birthday cherry delight) with Jesus.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Bushel of Babies

How cute is this!! Sometimes I can't even stand how cute they are. I just look at them and think that every bit of cuteness that has ever exist or ever will exist has manifested in these two babies. What is so hard to believe is that all this sweetness will turn to evil in about 14 years. I just want to keep them little and cute----sleeping more--but still little.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Songs for My Sister

This playlist is for my sister Tami. The song "one more day" reminds me of her, my dad and my grandpa. Listen to the song and remember someone that you love that has passed on. The other songs are the music that she liked.

Happy 40th Anniversary--Mom and Dad Bingman

Saturday we had a fun party with friends and family to celebrate the 40th anniversary of mom and dad Bingman. Good food followed by awesome cake made by Aunt Susie. Holy cow, she should be famous for making the best cake-yum. I am so glad that mom and dad B hooked up all those years ago. They are truly wonderful people and treat me just like I am their daughter. I am sure that is why my handsome Jimmy Jimmy turned out so nice, being raised by such nice folks.