Friday, February 26, 2010

Desperate Housewives

Ok I usually never watch that show Desperate Housewives but today I had 7 tons of laundry to fold. So I sat, rocked Tami in the bouncer, folded laundry and watched it. It wasn't to bad. Huuummmmm their day was spent going after the other woman, being mad at the made, fretting over designer clothes, and having affairs with the gardener or who ever. This evening, waiting for Jim to get here with Cole and Na, I had both babies crying,--- trying to get a bottle made,--- then feeding one while bouncing the other--then got done feeding that baby,---went to make a bottle for the other,--while Shelby was puking in the kitchen (at least dogs clean up their own puke)---turn down the oven because no time to check the chicken---got the bottle made---picked up the baby---Oh wrong baby---pick up the other baby and feed him or her--and need to pee really bad the whole time. The only man that I want to have an affair with is Mr. Bubble.
OK it not always this crazy --just a few times a day. I do have a little bit of down time. Do ya think I want to spend the little bit of down time dusting a shelf??? NO WAY!!! The house is a big O mess and I don't care in the least. What is the worse that could happen?? Ooooo someone could come in and think "Connie's house is a mess" Well they would be 100% right and if they don't like it they can walk back out. I don't think that the housekeeping police are going to take away my birthday. I have had bigger problems in my life than to worry about dust on a shelf or some clutter on the floor.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is better than good, fast and easy dinner?? CHEAP, good, fast and easy dinner

take chicken breasts (boneless) roll in taco seasoning
put in casserole dish
cover with your fav salsa
bake then cover with cheddar cheese or taco cheese and back till cheese is brown.

Jim gets Chicken breast for $1 a pound in Shelbyville so you may want to buy on sale,

I made Tacos out of the left overs

Thanks Joy and Tina for the recipe

Monday, February 22, 2010

Look alike?

The top pic is my Grandma aka Memaw with her little sis Ruth. The bottom pic is me, my mom, and my little sis. People say that me and my Memaw look alot alike. I think I have to agree. I wish I had her energy. She will be 80 this May and is ALWAYS so busy going places and having company. I guess she can rest when she gets old.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweet Kisses

Look at that sweet puppy dog!!! I saw on a blog that someone was selling kisses from a bulldog as a fundraiser. OH I would be soooo broke!!! What is better than a bulldog???? Bulldog kisses!!!! I want a bulldog so bad. Can you believe that Jim won't let me have one of these sweet babies???

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Going Postal

My little fella loves playing with his mail box. Maybe cousin Daryl could get him a job at the post office. Except Jackson has to learn to quit eating the mail first.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I miss summer

I took these pics in our yard a couple years ago. It was such a nice summer day with all the wonderful colors of nature. I can't wait for summer!!! Me and the babies will be glad to get out of the house

What the HELL

Isn't she afraid that the birds are going to crap on her?? Check out that little coon. He is just waiting to pounce

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Play list for my love, my handsome Jim. The Long Run is our song. Muskrat Love is a cooky song that we like. The Love of My life because that is what he is and always will be. Life In the Fast lane. He does an awesome job singing that song. The Eagles is our favorite band.

Weird Jello and Tuna Ring

I got this from the domestic witch blog that I follow. Looks kinda gross. Does anyone else have weird recipes to share???

Monday, February 1, 2010

Family Fun Unplugged

What does the most ghetto family in the US do for fun??? Well, from the bottom, we have some squid. How did you get those noodles in the hot dog you ask???? You put them in the hot dog before you cook. After eating the "squid" Renae was playing with her spoon and refered to it by name and I said ---well we can make spoon people--so we did. On Sunday Jim, Cole and Renae made "Magic Oracles" out of baby food jars. How cool. Ask it a question and you may get "Yes" " No" " Maybe" or "you are a butt head". As if this was enough fun. Me and Renae made cool bracelets.
OK the funny part----After me and Renae made the spoon dolls, When we were alone, Jim said "Ya know, you are pretty crafty" ---Not after making my swanky necklace or my cool bracelets, but the spoon people is what impressed him. I guess I have to be glad that he doesn't have taste.