What does the most ghetto family in the US do for fun??? Well, from the bottom, we have some squid. How did you get those noodles in the hot dog you ask???? You put them in the hot dog before you cook. After eating the "squid" Renae was playing with her spoon and refered to it by name and I said ---well we can make spoon people--so we did. On Sunday Jim, Cole and Renae made "Magic Oracles" out of baby food jars. How cool. Ask it a question and you may get "Yes" " No" " Maybe" or "you are a butt head". As if this was enough fun. Me and Renae made cool bracelets.
OK the funny part----After me and Renae made the spoon dolls, When we were alone, Jim said "Ya know, you are pretty crafty" ---Not after making my swanky necklace or my cool bracelets, but the spoon people is what impressed him. I guess I have to be glad that he doesn't have taste.
LOVE it all Connie!! We have to get together soon! miss you