Friday was great!!--Managed to see my homegirls from Olney--Had lunch with 3 of them. OH how times have changed!!--Let's see--Lunch with the girls back when I was about 21yrs old consisted of "Girl what are you going to wear to the Fireside tonight" ---"Oh I don't know I am so fat!! Like I am in a size 3!!--How gross!!" ----OR----"Oh that is my Jam!!! I love that song (insert any Alanis Morrisette song title here) --"yeah I was listening to that today on my way to Dr. Bailey's class--- He is so stupid!! He gave me a C on that Freud paper!!! " ----OR----OMG!! did you see that guy??!! He is sooooo fine!!! I heard that he is security at that bar in Evansville. We gotta go!!?? I think they are only open till 3 am so we can just get breakfast after it closes--you in?? We can sleep all day Saturday."
Oh how care free life was!!
Lunch with the girls at 35 yrs old This is totally true however the names have been changed to protect the innocent! Me--"Susie, you had a C section--when you have to pee, do you have to go right then, really bad?" Susie--"Oh yeah, sure do" Sally--"ask Jane here about that!!--I was with her the other day at a (public function to be anonymous) and she peed all over herself!" Me--"What!! You just peed all over yourself??" Jane-"Yep!--we were laughing so hard and when I started peeing myself, I couldn't stop--I have had a hysterectomy ya know" Me- Well I peed myself my entire pregnancy--when I was puking" Sally--" I hope I don't puke when I get pregnant"