Real life close encounters. UUuuughhh, I am working on fixing up my club house. The dogs were scratching at some floor boards, so I had jim move them. Low and behold--3 snakes. On was really big (according to Jim). So at 8:30 that night, I went to Menards and bought some Snake Away. I called my country friend, Becky, to ask if that stuff works. Welll did I mention that Becky is country? She likes snakes!!! She is like "Connie, they aren't gonna hurt you, ya want those big black snakes in your yard to keep out the bad snakes". She then explained what the bad snakes looked like. To be on the safe side, Iavoid all snakes. That didn't make me feel better. Oh and if ya wonder what Becky looks like, she dosn't look like a big, country, butch woman. She is really pretty and has a voice like a Disney princess. I talked to Cheryl later and she was able to commiserate with me.
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